Mobile Payment

Contactless Mobile Payments

Apr 6, 2020

Given the current COVID-19 situation, we have seen a rise in contactless payments. To prevent the transmission of the virus, consumers are using mobile wallets to reduce contact with credit/debit card processing terminals. Mobile wallets are apps on your phone that store payment information from credit or debit cards that allow you to use your […]

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Visa & MasterCard – New Chargeback Penalties

Apr 3, 2020

Visa and Mastercard both introduced new, lower thresholds to their fraud and chargeback programs in October of 2019 with stringent thresholds that may result in merchants shunning the risks of ecommerce transactions and facing fines and fees for excessive chargebacks. It’s important to understand mail order/telephone order transactions differ from ecommerce transactions and some of […]

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Level 2 and Level 3 Data

Reduce Rates with Level 2 and Level 3 Data

Apr 1, 2020

Lower Credit Card Processing Fees with Level 2 and Level 3 Processing The cost of accepting credit cards is one of the biggest expenses a business faces. It is an unavoidable cost of doing business in a society that rarely carries cash anymore. For any business processing more than $100,000 a month in credit card […]

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What is an “Effective Rate”?

Mar 9, 2020

You may have heard the term “Effective Rate” when it comes to processing credit cards. An effective rate is the percentage of sales you pay for credit card processing. This rate is determined by dividing your total credit card processing fees into the total dollar amount of all transactions submitted in a month. As you […]

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Don’t Run Declined Cards Multiple Times

Feb 19, 2020

You’ve just provided service for a client and you attempt to run their credit card for payment and the card declines. This is always disheartening. You may be inclined to try to run the card again, “just in case”. You run the card a second time and again it is declined.  Your next thought will […]

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Confronting Chargebacks

Feb 3, 2020

Notice of Chargeback This notice is always disheartening for a merchant to receive. Your hard-earned profits are sucked out of your bank account with no opportunity to explain your side before the money is removed. If you take too long to respond, you could lose the dispute simply for not responding in time. If you fail to […]

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Why are Daily Batches Sometimes Held?

Jan 31, 2020

Have you ever have had your funds withheld? We understand what a frustration that can be. It certainly is disappointing when you have completed a large transaction and you are expecting your bank balance to be boosted the next day. While we do understand your frustration, many times the delays can be avoided by you, […]

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The Game of Family Fraud

Jan 15, 2020

More than 120,000 small to medium size businesses experienced internal credit card fraud in 2018 that is referred to as “friendly fraud” or “family fraud”. The words fraud, friendly and family don’t seem to go together. “Friendly fraud” is committed by someone you are friendly with or perhaps an employee that you consider to be […]

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Where Do My Fees Go?

Dec 17, 2019

Many merchants falsely believe all of the fees they pay go to their credit card processor. If that was the case there would probably be a lot more credit card processors out there today. The truth is, your processor actually keeps a very tiny portion of the transactions. This blog is intended to provide a […]

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Mobile Credit Card Processing

Nov 1, 2019

Being able to accept credit cards anywhere you happen to be has certainly pushed to the top of the list of things desired by movers from their credit card processor. Much of this was inspired by the convenience of using Square. Square has continued to dominate in the arena of credit card terminals for new […]

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